Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Snowbird Soapmakers back in Havre de Grace
It's that time of year when we (soapmaker snowbirds) move from Tucson AZ to Havre de Grace Md. This year we made the trip in 8 days hauling a little camper, my soaps & tools and 4 pets. Got to Maryland in mid May and only just now feeling better. I triggered an extreme bout of sciatica. I'm all cool now, Whew!
Even though I laid low to recover, we had some craft shows set up and we didn't miss them. Boy were they fun! We attended our first- Havre de Grace First Fridays Festival on June 7th. So fun to meet people from my early days. I grew up along the Susquehanna River in Havre de Grace Md, and spent the last 20 years in Tucson.
Our next show was the Maryland Faerie Festival. WOW! It was the sweet family version of cos-play!
So many families dressed in all aspects of magical forest life. Lots of couples, youngins and grandly mature. We happened to be the first craft tent off the parking lot which gave us great sales and a fabulous perch to view the lovely fairy's, trolls, gremlins, tree beings, fairy godmothers and good witches at the admittance gate.
While being kinda stuck at home for a month, I taught myself to make a Hot Process soaps- 2 ways. I love hot process, I also love how it cures quicker than Cold Process. I've created 100 bars of Everyday Round Soap in 10 Fragrances.
I guess I've been busy after all.
Cheers, Vicki